I think it is already the best phisycs game ever... really. I could spend hours, days, years maiby in this, there'll be always something new to try!
I think it is already the best phisycs game ever... really. I could spend hours, days, years maiby in this, there'll be always something new to try!
Work on it
You have an awesome humor for these kinda things, just needs more work, more movement, story and options(Especially movements).
I really see forward for really good games!
Really? Thanks, I appreciate that!
Pretty good!
I liked it, but the fact that you need to capture all helmets in each level infuriates me, because i really wanted to see the last bike! :p
Great game, maybe some upgrades for jumping height, speed and max afterburn. Great game, really!
Thanks for the review =P Keep on trying mate. Think you will find them all in the end. The last bike is really something. Please contact me if you want some tips on where to find them.
Yup, if I some day make a second edition of this, that will be the potions :P Thanks again for a great review : ))
You've just submitted my hopes up!XD
Really great game, very addicting and hard, even in easy! I wouldnt want to get alll machine parts, cuz i'm a meatbag!XD
awesome, really
Dude, best vid i've seen in the past months!! Hilarious, good graphics, and the fact that it's made frame by frame makes it even better!
Nice game!
Got 24th in highscore at first time play^^
really nice game!
awesome game!
Would be nice if you would make a 'Create a level' feature!
LOL omg
nice, tower defense monkey game^^
hey hey! 3 comment!
one of the best point 'n' click game ive played!^^
Joined on 7/29/07